Sunday, July 25, 2010

Take a look at my WebQuest lesson at:
This is a MS math problem using proportions/ratios to compute the length of the Statue of Liberty's torch arm using the length of her nose. You can do the problem yourself by measuring your nose from the tip to the bridge between the eyes and by measuring your arm length from shoulder to the tip of your fingers. If the length of the Statue of Liberty's nose is 4ft. 6in. what is your estimate of the length of the torch arm?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Social Networking:
1. The Google name search and image search didn't turn up anything that I recognized in the first 10 pages. The PIPL search was quite prolific using a Paul Wiley, Oregon search. My age, address and telephone number were listed on Spokeo and address and telephone number were found on Google and Whitepages. UCC.sos.state.or.US and Linkedin picked me up on business sites. The only email addressed pickedup was my old Intel email. Under publications a paper I coauthored in 1991 was picked up; iWarp: A 100-MOPS, LIW Microprocessor for Multicomputers. BTW, I did find a lot of black Wiley's so I guess some part of the family were at one time slave owners. Sad.
2. I've been a late comer to the social networking world. I only established a FaceBook page about 6 months ago and have restricted access to family and close friends. The cautionary notes in the article we read I have taken to heart.
3. I definitely believe a teacher should be held to community standards. An interesting discussion today in our Character class brought this home to me. The discussion was about TSPC standards and how some of them applied off campus. The question was asked, "should parents be held to the same standards as teachers?" Several said no. To me the parent is the primary teacher thus being held to the same standards as teachers is a reasonable requirement for rearing children.
4. The viral way comments and pictures can be distributed is quite concerning. I like the concept of a class room community space but will need to ensure that protections are put in place to avoid such behavior.
5. I plan to limit access only to the students who are part of the class and block students who do not conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This means we will need to set up rules for use of the classroom site and post on a site that doesn't use inappropriate advertising, etc.

Friday, July 16, 2010

How might I incorporate technology in my teaching?

3. How might you incorporate it? I am absolutely sold on the use of Interactive Sharing technology for the classroom. As a MS Math teacher I see excellent benefit from its use. For example, both Beaverton and Portland school systems use the Michigan State Connected Math Project textbooks. This is an excellent Constructed Math series but it lacks the backup problem examples and equations that are an important component of traditional math text books. Parents find it difficult to help their students if they are dependent on the notes their student took during a connected math manipulative demonstration. Backup is needed for students when they are absent and amplification is needed for students who didn't get the concept first time around. I had thought of sending a weekly email to parents to keep them up to date on what's happening in the classroom. I now see that a web site with a weekly blog and posted lessons is a much more efficient way to manage this information. Further it gets around many of the problems of application mismatch and text only email access.

Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants

While not a true Digital Native, I'm certainly not so unskilled as to be classed as a Digital Immigrant. I am fully familiar with using Office Apps, the Internet, Search, managing Photos and Music, etc. Where I'm lacking is in the transition to creating and sharing as in blogging and web site creation. I am stunned that anyone would use so arcane a user environment as you find on blogging and web site creation and editing tools. I feel I've been transported back in time to the non-intuitive environment of early PCs. You've got to have a lot of time on your hands to put up this this state of affairs. I believe there is a great opportunity open to any enterprising entrepreneur who will create these intuitive tools. I would welcome it and even pay for it!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Name: Paul Wiley
Endorsement: MS/HS Math
Favorite Animal: Yellow Lab

Favorite Fruit: Chehalem

I make the world's greatest jam using

Chehalem Blackberries with Marionberries