Monday, July 19, 2010

Social Networking:
1. The Google name search and image search didn't turn up anything that I recognized in the first 10 pages. The PIPL search was quite prolific using a Paul Wiley, Oregon search. My age, address and telephone number were listed on Spokeo and address and telephone number were found on Google and Whitepages. UCC.sos.state.or.US and Linkedin picked me up on business sites. The only email addressed pickedup was my old Intel email. Under publications a paper I coauthored in 1991 was picked up; iWarp: A 100-MOPS, LIW Microprocessor for Multicomputers. BTW, I did find a lot of black Wiley's so I guess some part of the family were at one time slave owners. Sad.
2. I've been a late comer to the social networking world. I only established a FaceBook page about 6 months ago and have restricted access to family and close friends. The cautionary notes in the article we read I have taken to heart.
3. I definitely believe a teacher should be held to community standards. An interesting discussion today in our Character class brought this home to me. The discussion was about TSPC standards and how some of them applied off campus. The question was asked, "should parents be held to the same standards as teachers?" Several said no. To me the parent is the primary teacher thus being held to the same standards as teachers is a reasonable requirement for rearing children.
4. The viral way comments and pictures can be distributed is quite concerning. I like the concept of a class room community space but will need to ensure that protections are put in place to avoid such behavior.
5. I plan to limit access only to the students who are part of the class and block students who do not conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This means we will need to set up rules for use of the classroom site and post on a site that doesn't use inappropriate advertising, etc.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of blocking students that are not being appropriate is a great one! I think it may hurt their ego's a bit if they are blocked from the discussion for a while! Isn't it interesting what you can find on the internet!
