Monday, August 9, 2010


1) Cyberbullying is verbal harassment & threats that occurs during online activities. I have never experienced cyberbullying probably because I am not engaged heavily in social networking activities. The few on line friends I have are relatives, long time friends and adults with little incentive for such activity.
2) The legal authority of schools re off campus activities is limited. Generally it is accepted that schools can intervene where an activity affects the school or performance of its students. My interpretation of this is that the school may not suspend a student for an off campus activity unless it affects the school or its students. That doesn't mean that the school administration and faculty should not take a stand on the issue. Much can be accomplished by bring the parties together and having a heart to heart talk. To detect Cyberbullying will require the cooperation of students who have access. The school should establish a no tolerance policy and ask the students to uphold the policy.
3) I come down on the side of being preemptive. We know that Cyberbullying is an issue from the high profile cases that have been reported. We should make this a class issue and solicit cooperation by the students to report behavior and to submit print outs. I believe such submissions can be done in an anonymous way. A standardized policy for the school or a grade level would help strengthen the policy and make a broader base of the school aware of the policy. Proactive is the only way.

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